Global Business Risk Consultancy Services Company

Chairperson / Policy advisory committee / TCIC
Policy advisor / Korea National Police Agency
Policy advisor/ NCSC
Former Security manager / IVI
Former Counter-Terrorism Researcher / OICJ
Dr. Tae Jin Chung
Due diligence
Corporate investigation
Business intelligence
ISO Auditing
University of Leeds (UK) / School of Law/ Ph.D
Michigan State University (US) / Criminal Justice/ M.S.
Michigan State University (US) / Telecommunication/ B.A.
Dr. Chung is the CEO of Sentinel Korea and a professor in the field of cybercrime with expertise in transnational crime, terrorism and Industrial security.
Dr. Chung is also working with a broad network including the Korean government, international academia and risk consulting services for collaborated projects.

Senior Advisor
Former ICIC Senior IO, National Intelligence Service
Mr. Michael Jung
International Organized Crime
Corporate crime
Airport security/CIQ
Dongguk University / Police Administration / B.A.

Advisor to the executive board
Mr. Morten Hansen
Risk and crisis management
Strategic and international political analysis
Business leadship
Nanyang Tech University / Strategic Studies / M.Sc
University of Southern Denmark / MBA
University of Copenhagen / Political Science / B.A.
Mr. Morten Hansen is a co-founder of Sentinel Korea. He has expertise in risk and crisis management and has held a leadership position within emergency, security and crisis management both in government and the private sector.
For the past seven years, Mr. Hansen has held positions as a chief executive officer of service and manufacturing businesses. During this time he has been responsible for new business development, operations management and successful turnarounds.